7 Flutter Open Source Projects to Become a Better Flutter Developer

What’s Revolutionary about Flutter

Flutter is a mobile app development framework created by Google that allows developers to build high-performance and visually appealing apps for iOS and Android platforms. There are several aspects that make Flutter revolutionary and unique compared to other mobile app development frameworks.

  1. Single codebase for multiple platforms: Flutter allows developers to write a single codebase for both iOS and Android platforms. This means that developers can write code once and deploy it on both platforms, reducing development time and costs.
  2. Fast development and hot reloading: Flutter’s development process is much faster than other frameworks because it has a hot reloading feature that allows developers to see changes in real-time as they make them. This feature saves a lot of development time and makes the development process much more efficient.
  3. Customizable widgets: Flutter provides a wide range of customizable widgets that developers can use to create highly customized and visually appealing user interfaces. These widgets are highly flexible and can be easily adapted to the needs of the app.
  4. High performance: Flutter uses a programming language called Dart, which is designed to optimize app performance. The framework also includes a rendering engine that delivers high-performance and smooth animations even on older devices.
  5. Access to native features: Flutter allows developers to access native device features like camera, GPS, and contacts directly from the framework, without having to write platform-specific code. This makes the development process much simpler and more efficient.

Overall, Flutter’s ability to deliver high-performance apps with a fast development process, customizable widgets, and access to native features makes it a revolutionary framework for mobile app development.


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