What is the difference between Hot Reload and Hot Restart?
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

What is the difference between Hot Reload and Hot Restart?

Hot Reload is a feature in software development frameworks that allows developers to make changes to the source code and see the changes reflected in the application without having to restart the application or lose its current state. Essentially, Hot Reload allows developers to make changes to the code and see the impact of those

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Explain pubspec.yaml file?
Android, BlockChain, Data, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

Explain pubspec.yaml file?

In Flutter, the pubspec.yaml file is a configuration file that is used to define the metadata and dependencies of a Flutter project. This file is located at the root of the project and provides important information about the project’s name, version, author, and description. Here is an overview of some of the key elements that

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Preventing Memory Leaks in Flutter: Best Practices and Tools
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Trends

Preventing Memory Leaks in Flutter: Best Practices and Tools

Flutter is a popular open-source mobile application development framework that allows developers to create beautiful, fast, and high-performing applications. With its robust architecture, reactive programming, and hot-reload feature, Flutter has become one of the most sought-after frameworks for building mobile applications. However, like any other technology, it also has its own set of challenges, and

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Building an Effective Error Handling System in Flutter with Custom Widgets
Android, Development, Technology, Trends

Building an Effective Error Handling System in Flutter with Custom Widgets

In Flutter, an error widget is a built-in widget that is displayed when an error occurs in your app. However, the default error widget provided by Flutter may not always be suitable for all apps, and developers may need to create custom error widgets that match the design and layout of their app. In this

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