What is the event loop, and what is its relationship to isolates?
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

What is the event loop, and what is its relationship to isolates?

The event loop is a core component of many programming frameworks and environments, including those used for asynchronous programming. It manages the flow of events and callbacks in a non-blocking manner, allowing programs to efficiently handle concurrent operations and I/O operations without blocking the execution of other code. At a high level, the event loop

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Name some apps that mostly use flutter.
Android, BlockChain, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

Name some apps that mostly use flutter.

Flutter is a popular framework for building cross-platform mobile applications. It has been used by various companies and developers to create apps across different industries. Here are some well-known apps that have been built primarily using Flutter: Google Ads: The Google Ads app, used by advertisers to manage their ad campaigns, is built with Flutter.

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What is await in Flutter? Write it’s usage.
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

What is await in Flutter? Write it’s usage.

In Flutter, the keyword await is used in conjunction with the async keyword to handle asynchronous operations. When you mark a function with the async keyword, it means that the function can perform tasks asynchronously. Inside an async function, you can use the await keyword to pause the execution of the function until a particular

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Which skills are required to use Flutter?
Android, Data, Development, English, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

Which skills are required to use Flutter?

To effectively use Flutter, the following skills are beneficial: Dart Programming: Flutter uses the Dart programming language as its primary language. It is essential to have a good understanding of Dart syntax, features, and concepts such as variables, functions, classes, and object-oriented programming (OOP) principles. Dart is relatively easy to learn if you have experience

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Describe Flutter’s different build modes.
Android, Data, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

Describe Flutter’s different build modes.

Flutter, a popular cross-platform framework for building mobile applications, offers several build modes to cater to different development and deployment needs. These build modes determine how your Flutter app is compiled and optimized for specific scenarios. Flutter provides the following build modes: Debug Mode: Debug mode is primarily used during development. When running your app

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How do you reduce widget rebuild?
Android, Data, Development, English, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

How do you reduce widget rebuild?

Reducing widget rebuilds can help improve the performance and efficiency of your Flutter application. Here are some strategies to minimize unnecessary widget rebuilds: Use const Constructors: When creating widgets, consider using const constructors whenever possible. Widgets created with const constructors are immutable and won’t rebuild unless their properties change. This can help prevent unnecessary rebuilds

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Describe Some of the major features of Flutter.
Android, BlockChain, Data, Development, English, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

Describe Some of the major features of Flutter.

Flutter, developed by Google, is a cross-platform UI toolkit that allows developers to build high-performance native applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Here are some of the major features of Flutter: Fast Development: Flutter enables rapid development with its hot reload feature, which allows developers to see the changes in real-time

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What is a Flutter inspector?
Android, Data, Development, English, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

What is a Flutter inspector?

In the context of mobile app development using the Flutter framework, the Flutter Inspector is a powerful tool that helps developers analyze and debug their Flutter applications. It is an integrated tool that provides a visual representation of the app’s widget hierarchy, allows inspection of the properties and values of widgets, and assists in identifying

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Developing Web Applications with Dart
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

Developing Web Applications with Dart

Dart is a programming language developed by Google that can be used for building web applications. It’s designed to be fast, scalable, and productive. In this response, I’ll provide you with an overview of how you can develop web applications using Dart. To get started with Dart web development, you need to set up your

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Explain the different types of Streams?
Android, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

Explain the different types of Streams?

In Flutter, there are three main types of streams: single-subscription streams, broadcast streams, and async streams. Single-subscription streams: Single-subscription streams are streams that can only be listened to by one subscriber at a time. Once a listener has been added to a single-subscription stream, no other listeners can subscribe to that stream until the original

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What is the latest release of Flutter SDK?
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

What is the latest release of Flutter SDK?

    As of my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, the latest release of Flutter SDK was version 2.5.0, which was released on September 8th, 2021. However, it’s possible that newer versions have been released since then. To find out the latest release of Flutter SDK, you can visit the official Flutter website at

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What is pubspec.
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

What is pubspec.

Pubspec is a file used in Dart programming language to define the metadata and dependencies for a Dart project. It is a YAML file named pubspec.yaml that is placed in the root directory of a Dart project. In the pubspec file, you can define information such as the name and version of the project, its

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