“runApp()” and “main()” functions in Flutter?
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

“runApp()” and “main()” functions in Flutter?

In Flutter, the runApp() and main() functions are essential for building and running applications. The main() function is the entry point of every Dart application, including Flutter applications. In a Flutter application, the main() function typically calls the runApp() function, which initializes the Flutter framework and runs the application. The runApp() function is responsible for

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What is the difference between Hot Reload and Hot Restart?
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

What is the difference between Hot Reload and Hot Restart?

Hot Reload is a feature in software development frameworks that allows developers to make changes to the source code and see the changes reflected in the application without having to restart the application or lose its current state. Essentially, Hot Reload allows developers to make changes to the code and see the impact of those

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Explain pubspec.yaml file?
Android, BlockChain, Data, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

Explain pubspec.yaml file?

In Flutter, the pubspec.yaml file is a configuration file that is used to define the metadata and dependencies of a Flutter project. This file is located at the root of the project and provides important information about the project’s name, version, author, and description. Here is an overview of some of the key elements that

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What is tree shaking in Flutter
Android, BlockChain, Development, Flutter, IOS, Technology, Trends, Web Development

What is tree shaking in Flutter

Tree shaking is a process of removing unused code from an application in order to reduce its size and improve performance. In the context of Flutter, tree shaking is the process of analyzing an app’s code and determining which portions of it are actually used at runtime, and then removing any unused code from the

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Explain BuildContext?
Development, Flutter, Technology, Trends

Explain BuildContext?

BuildContext is a class in the Flutter framework that represents the context in which a widget is built. Every widget in Flutter is built within a specific context, which provides information about the widget’s position in the widget tree hierarchy and allows it to interact with other widgets in the tree. A BuildContext object is

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Rapid testing with Flutter
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Trends, Web Development

Rapid testing with Flutter

Flutter has built-in support for automated testing, making it easy to write and run tests for your app. Here are some tips for rapid testing with Flutter: Use the Flutter Test Framework – Flutter has a built-in testing framework called flutter_test that provides a set of APIs for writing and running tests. The framework includes

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10 Advanced Flutter Interview Questions and Short Answers
Android, BlockChain, Development, Flutter, Technology, Trends

10 Advanced Flutter Interview Questions and Short Answers

Flutter is a popular open-source mobile application development framework that has gained widespread recognition for its fast development and high performance. If you’re preparing for a Flutter interview, it’s important to be familiar with advanced concepts and questions related to the framework. Here are 10 advanced Flutter interview questions and short answers that you may

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Unlocking the Power of Yield, Yield*, Async, and Async* in Flutter
BlockChain, Development, Flutter, Technology, Trends

Unlocking the Power of Yield, Yield*, Async, and Async* in Flutter

In this article, we will explore four important keywords in Flutter: Yield, Yield*, Async, and Async*. These keywords are related to asynchronous programming in Flutter and play a crucial role in making applications more responsive and efficient. Yield The ‘yield’ keyword is used in the Iterator function in Flutter. It is used to return each

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Flutter Object-Oriented Programming: Understanding the Differences between ‘extends,’ ‘implements,’ and ‘with’
BlockChain, Development, Flutter, Technology, Trends

Flutter Object-Oriented Programming: Understanding the Differences between ‘extends,’ ‘implements,’ and ‘with’

Differences between ‘extends,’ ‘implements,’ and ‘with’ When working with object-oriented programming in Flutter, you may come across two keywords: “extends” and “implements.” Both of these keywords have specific meanings and uses, and it’s essential to understand the differences between them to make the most of your code. In this blog post, we’ll explore the difference

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Can we designing an Effective Error Screen in Flutter?
Android, BlockChain, Development, Flutter, Technology, Trends

Can we designing an Effective Error Screen in Flutter?

One of the most important aspects of any app is the error screen, which provides valuable feedback to users when something goes wrong. In this blog, we will discuss whether or not it is possible to design a Flutter error screen. The short answer is yes, it is definitely possible to design a Flutter error

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Building an Effective Error Handling System in Flutter with Custom Widgets
Android, Development, Technology, Trends

Building an Effective Error Handling System in Flutter with Custom Widgets

In Flutter, an error widget is a built-in widget that is displayed when an error occurs in your app. However, the default error widget provided by Flutter may not always be suitable for all apps, and developers may need to create custom error widgets that match the design and layout of their app. In this

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20 Common Flutter Interview Questions and Answers: Your Ultimate Guide
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Trends

20 Common Flutter Interview Questions and Answers: Your Ultimate Guide

Flutter is a popular mobile app development framework that is widely used for building high-performance, cross-platform mobile applications. It is an open-source framework developed by Google, and it uses the Dart programming language. If you’re preparing for a Flutter interview, here are 20 commonly asked questions and their answers to help you out: 1.What is

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