Material Vs Cupertino Widget?
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

Material Vs Cupertino Widget?

Material and Cupertino are design languages used in different UI frameworks. Material Design is a design language developed by Google. It focuses on creating a visually appealing, consistent, and intuitive user interface across different platforms, including Android, iOS, and the web. Material Design uses principles such as material surfaces, elevation, animations, and typography to create

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What is the event loop, and what is its relationship to isolates?
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

What is the event loop, and what is its relationship to isolates?

The event loop is a core component of many programming frameworks and environments, including those used for asynchronous programming. It manages the flow of events and callbacks in a non-blocking manner, allowing programs to efficiently handle concurrent operations and I/O operations without blocking the execution of other code. At a high level, the event loop

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When to use mainAxisAlignment and crossAxisAlignment.
Android, BlockChain, Development, Flutter, Improve, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

When to use mainAxisAlignment and crossAxisAlignment.

In Flutter, mainAxisAlignment and crossAxisAlignment are properties commonly used in container widgets to control the alignment of their children. They are particularly useful in Row and Column widgets, which are used to arrange and position widgets horizontally and vertically, respectively. Here’s a brief explanation of when to use each property: mainAxisAlignment: This property determines how

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What are some firebase SDKs?
Android, Data, Development, Flutter, IOS, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

What are some firebase SDKs?

Firebase provides several SDKs for different platforms and programming languages. Here are some of the popular Firebase SDKs: Firebase SDK for Android: This SDK allows you to integrate Firebase services into your Android applications. It provides libraries for various Firebase features such as authentication, real-time database, cloud messaging, cloud storage, and more. Firebase SDK for

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how to make app in web using flutter
Android, Development, IOS, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

how to make app in web using flutter

To build a web app using Flutter, follow these steps: Step 1: Set Up Your Flutter Environment Install Flutter by following the official documentation: Make sure you have the latest stable version of Flutter installed on your machine. Verify the installation by running flutter doctor in your terminal or command prompt. Step 2: Create

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6 Takeaways From The Flutter 2023 Roadmap
Android, Development, Flutter, IOS, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

6 Takeaways From The Flutter 2023 Roadmap

As a Flutter developer, I’ve learned that becoming proficient in the framework requires a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Here is a roadmap that I have created based on my personal experience to help you become a successful Flutter developer. Learn the basics of programming: Before diving into Flutter, it’s crucial to have a solid foundation in programming concepts

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Explain the different types of Streams?
Android, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

Explain the different types of Streams?

In Flutter, there are three main types of streams: single-subscription streams, broadcast streams, and async streams. Single-subscription streams: Single-subscription streams are streams that can only be listened to by one subscriber at a time. Once a listener has been added to a single-subscription stream, no other listeners can subscribe to that stream until the original

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What is the latest release of Flutter SDK?
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

What is the latest release of Flutter SDK?

    As of my knowledge cutoff date of September 2021, the latest release of Flutter SDK was version 2.5.0, which was released on September 8th, 2021. However, it’s possible that newer versions have been released since then. To find out the latest release of Flutter SDK, you can visit the official Flutter website at

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What is pubspec.
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

What is pubspec.

Pubspec is a file used in Dart programming language to define the metadata and dependencies for a Dart project. It is a YAML file named pubspec.yaml that is placed in the root directory of a Dart project. In the pubspec file, you can define information such as the name and version of the project, its

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Is Flutter Free? …
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

Is Flutter Free? …

Yes, Flutter is free and open-source software. You can download and use Flutter without paying anything. Additionally, Flutter’s open-source nature allows developers to contribute to the codebase, suggest improvements, and report issues. Flutter is licensed under the BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) license, which is a permissive open-source license. This means that you are free to

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What do you understand by the Stateful and Stateless widgets?
Android, Development, Flutter, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

What do you understand by the Stateful and Stateless widgets?

In Flutter, widgets are the basic building blocks for creating user interfaces. Widgets can be classified as either Stateful or Stateless based on whether they maintain state or not. Stateless Widgets: Stateless widgets are widgets that do not have any mutable state. This means that once a Stateless widget is built, it cannot change its

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Should I learn Dart for Flutter?
Android, Development, Flutter, IOS, Technology, Tips, Trends, Web Development

Should I learn Dart for Flutter?

If you are interested in developing mobile applications with Flutter, learning Dart is a good idea. Dart is the programming language used by Flutter, and it’s designed to be fast, efficient, and easy to learn. One advantage of using Dart with Flutter is that it allows for a fast development cycle. The hot-reload feature of

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